Ashleigh Whiffin

Ashleigh Whiffin is Curator of entomology at National Museums Scotland in the UK, where she is responsible for the care, curation and development of a collection of approximately 2.5 million insect specimens. Ashleigh is interested in carrion ecology and specialises in Carrion beetles (Silphinae). She is also a keen science communicator, passionate about disseminating entomology and the value of collections, to the wider public. In the UK, Ashleigh works closely with the Biological Records Centre to co-organise a National recording Scheme for Carrion beetles; and internationally, she is a communications officer for the Entomological Collections Network. In her spare time she enjoys hiking, photography and bird watching.

Ashleigh Whiffin on fieldwork in Scotland. Image: © Gavin Broad
Other links:
Ashleigh museum profile:
Carrion Beetles: Nature's Undertakers (Linnean Society)
Urban biodiversity project:
Social media: