Irmak Uzundemir Bischof

Hi, I’m Irmak - a researcher, project developer, and storyteller working at the crossroads of food, sustainability, and environmental sciences. My work revolves around rethinking food systems, exploring the cultural and environmental dimensions of what we eat, and bridging knowledge across disciplines. I’ve delved into everything from consumer perceptions of edible insects to the role of regenerative agriculture in shaping more resilient futures.
I also create and curate spaces for conversation and collaboration. I founded Whet that Appetite, a platform that brings together projects, research, and stories at the intersection of food and sustainability. Among them, I co-founded TerraTable, a space for meaningful dialogue on food systems and regenerative agriculture, and launched CSAWE (Climate Smart Agriculture for Women Empowerment), a project focused on urban agriculture and women’s involvement in sustainable food production.
If you are curious to learn more, you can find me on Whet that Appetite or connect with me on LinkedIn.